Meu IPod tem uma função que mostra as músicas mais executadas.
Segue a lista (Música = Artista):
Sing = Travis
Let The River = Mr Mister
Lost! = Coldplay
Optmistic = Radiohead
Blind House = Porcupine Tree
All Blues = Miles Davis
1-1 = Brian Eno
My Favorite Things = Randy Waldman (Colaiuta na batera... ;)
The Sun always shine on TV = A-Ha
Knives OUt = Radiohead
Bangers and Mash = Radiohead
Packt Like sardines in a crushed tin Box = Radiohead
Mas e Daí = Quadrante (Minha banda ;)
Pyramid Song = Radiohead
1901 = Phoenix
In Limbo = Radiohead
Spokes = Allan Holdsworth (Colaiuta na batera de novo!)
Everything in its right place = Radiohead
Morning Bell = Radiohead
Idioteque = Radiohead
Driftwood = Travis
Lisztomania = Phoenix
Air Bag = Radiohead
Me plus one = Kasabian
Kid A = Radiohead
Closer = Travis
Swords and Knives = Tears for Fears
Standing on the corner on the third world = Tears for Fears
I hung My head = Sting
15 Step = Radiohead
Flicker = Porcupine Tree
Mirror ball = Peter Gabriel
Speed of sound = Pearl Jam
Nefertiti = Miles Davis
Milestones = Miles Davis
What's Goins on = Marvin GAye
Empire = KAsabian
A Love Supreme - Resolution = John Coltrane
Town Called malcie = The Jam
Don't Give up = Herbe HAncock
Baião Brasil = Hamilton de Hollanda
On the Shoreline = Genesis (PHIL COLLINS NA BATERA!!!)
Where are you going = GAvin HArrisson
Popo = Chico PInheiro
The Bandstand = A-ha
Early Morning = A-ha
Dá pra ter uma noção do que se passa nos meus ouvidos no momento.